
Dental Implants vs. Traditional Dentures

Dental Implants vs. Traditional Dentures

Life happens, and sometimes that means dealing with dental issues that affect the way you feel about your smile. Many of our patients come to us with missing teeth looking to restore their confidence in their smile. We absolutely hate for anyone to miss out on smiling at the good things in life because they’re unhappy with their teeth (or lack thereof). At Green Tree Dental, we provide restorative dentistry, including dental implants that can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted.

Sometimes, our patients assume that dentures are the only way we can treat missing teeth. We get it – it’s hard to keep up with the new restorative dental treatments. Dr. Schmidt specializes in dental implants, a more efficient and effect dental procedure that can give you that full smile you’re looking for. Today, we want to discuss some of the differences between dentures and dental implants, as well as familiarize our patients with the dental implant procedure.


Dentures are removable replacements for your teeth. They can replace all your teeth on your upper or lower jaw, or they can be partial – supported with clasps around existing teeth. All will have a pink, gum-colored based that supports the teeth.

Although they may be a good option for some people, dentures have drawbacks. They need to be removed and cleaned regularly, and some people have a hard time getting used to speaking and eating while wearing dentures. Additionally, dentures should be replaced every 3 to 6 years.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a much more permanent solution that functions exactly like your natural teeth.  If >Dr. Schmidt determines that dental implants are the right option for you, first he will place a titanium post in your jawbone, which functions just like the root of a natural tooth. This post will anchor your replacement tooth (or teeth). Replacement teeth are custom-made and colored to match your existing teeth so that you can’t notice the difference. Even better, dental implants can last more than twenty years. Dr. Mitrogogos from Sanford Dental Excellence adds, “Dental implants are more than just an alternative to dentures and bridges and can be used to replace all your teeth or just a single tooth. Dental implants can make you feel confident about smiling again by providing new teeth that look and feel natural.”

Don’t waste any more time worried about hiding your missing teeth. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Schmidt to get started on the path to restoring your smile – and your confidence. Call our office today at (208) 345-1386 or fill out our contact form to get started on your new and improved smile.

Smiles that are built to last

We offer the most innovative dental solutions to meet your individual needs and lifestyles, no matter your age.

Can Dental Implants Work for You?

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